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Version: iOS SDK 4.0.0

Migration from 3.X


Version 4.0.0 introduces a well defined, typed, way of passing extra values, options, parameters or flags to the financial transactions.

We have unified all the extra and optional parameters in an Options object. Different operations have different options.

1. For a Sale or Sale and Tokenize operation please see SaleOptions
If you use a customer reference:

    SaleOptions *options = [SaleOptions new];
options.customerReference = @"Your customer reference";

If you need Multi MID / Custom merchant Authentication:

    MerchantAuth *auth = [MerchantAuth new];
Credential *cred = [Credential new];
cred.acquirer = [Credential getAcquirerFromString:@"acquirer"];
cred.mid = @"mid";
cred.tid = @"tid";
//Add as many credentials as Acquirers your merchant have agreements with
[auth add:cred];
options.merchantAuth = auth;

If you want to specify the budget period Only available for SureSwipe:

options.divideByMonths = @"YOUR_BUDGET_NUMBER";


[self.api saleWithAmount:amount currency:currency options:options];

2. Similar to SaleOptions, but with less possible parameters, for a Refund operation, please see RefundOptions
If you use a customer reference:

    SaleOptions *options = [SaleOptions new];
options.customerReference = @"Your customer reference";

If you need Multi MID / Custom merchant Authentication:

MerchantAuth *auth = [MerchantAuth new];
Credential *cred = [Credential new];
cred.acquirer = [Credential getAcquirerFromString:@"acquirer"];
cred.mid = @"mid";
cred.tid = @"tid";
//Add as many credentials as Acquirers your merchant have agreements with
[auth add:cred];
options.merchantAuth = auth;


[self.api refundWithAmount:amount currency:currency transaction:originalTransactionID options:options];

3. For the rest of operations, please see Options
If you use a customer reference:

options.customerReference = @"Your customer reference";